There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
~Albert Einstein~

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

8 Months Old!!!

Easton, you're 8 months old already!!! Let's see what you've been up to lately:
  • You weigh around 22.3 pounds and are about 30 inches long (95th percentile!)
  • You have 4 teeth - the two in the middle on the bottom are all the way in but you're still working on the two "fangs" on top....I hope the top middle ones come in soon or you might look kinda funny!
  • You had your hernia surgery on 11/19 and did really well - we're hoping that's the last surgery you ever have to have!!
  • You're wearing a size 4 diaper - the same size as your big brother Zachary who is almost 23 months old.....this is why my back hurts all the time!
  • You're wearing 12M clothes
  • You're still army crawling but I think you're really close to officially crawling - you rock back and forth on your hands and knees all the time
  • You're still on breastmilk and 2nd stage love to feed yourself puffs, bread and Baby Mum Mums
  • You love your big brothers and squeal when you see them
  • You babble a lot - mainly "baba" but sometimes "mama" and every once in a while you throw in a "dada"
  • You learned to wave last week - backwards of course - it's very cute!
  • You also learned to clap last week; however, you're not quite sure when you're supposed to do it. I was changing your diaper in the middle of the night a few nights ago and you were crying (how dare I change your diaper in the middle of the night!!) and started clapping at the same time???
  • I think that, as of today, you're officially a momma's Christmas gift came early this year! I know it won't last once you stop nursing but I'll enjoy it while I can!
  • You haven't been sleeping well since your surgery - I think it may have caused a little attachment problem for you....and now I think you're getting a cold so I predict a major lack of sleep for me for the next week or two
  • I just can't get enough of my sweet baby Easton and we just love you to pieces!!

Now how about those brothers of yours.....Zachary James, you're almost 23 months old....what have you been up to lately?

  • You're finally venturing into some 2T clothes but I'm pretty sure you'll be wearing a size 4 diaper until you're potty trained
  • You love to "tackle" Easton....luckily, he's almost as big as you are so he can handle it
  • You are talking up a storm - and you have the cutest little, high-pitched voice I've ever heard
  • You're working on your 2 year molars....and you're not very happy about it
  • We'll be taking you in for your 2-year check-up next month....I'm curious to see how much you weigh - probably not that much more than your little brother!
  • You love Mickey Mouse and you and Brady are both currently obsessed with the movie "Cars"
  • You love cows
  • The shoe obsession has died down a little bit but I still think you'll be the fashionista of the group
  • You're sweet and tiny and a little stinker and we love you tons

Now, how about Big Boy Brady

  • You are 3.75 years old
  • We've been talking about potty training again....we're going to try again when you turn 4.....hopefully talking it up for a few more months will help
  • Your speech is getting so much better - you love your new therapists and can't wait until Friday every week so that you can see them
  • You got a great report from your teacher for the quarter - much to my surprise, you're one of the best of your class at "circle time"
  • Your teachers think you're pretty smart and we agree!
  • Your toe walking doesn't seem to be improving much but we're trying to work on it
  • You love the new Disney show, "Jungle Junction" and knew the majority of the lyrics within a few weeks
  • I think you're going to be really into Christmas this year so it should be really fun
  • You crack us up all the time and we love you lots and lots!!