I love to think about things that make me happy. When I got my first job out of college, I had one of those daily calendars on my desk - the ones where you tear off a page for each day - and each day it listed 5 things that make people happy. The morning after I met my husband, one of the 5 things was "meeting your one true love." I kept it....just in case....and it turned out to be true! Anyway, here are a few others:
• washing my face after a long day
• all 3 boys sleeping peacefully in their respective beds - at the same time
• the sound of any of those boys laughing
• when any of the boys hug/kiss each other without me asking them to (and even when I ask them to but it's way better when they do it on their own)
• reality TV
• the fact that at 4 years old, Brady has realized the importance of turning the light off in a room before he shuts the door - he should share this concept with his father who, at 34 years old, still hasn't adopted the concept fully
• removing an uncomfortable bra after a long day (TMI - sorry but it seriously makes me happy)
• my first Coke of the day
• wireless internet
• sound AND video baby monitors
• car seats - not only for the safety purposes, but for whatever it is about them that make kids sit still and be quiet without trying to escape (unlike high chairs??) for sometimes long periods of time - extra bonus....they also make kids sleepy
• DVRs
• pedicures
• shopping
• "monkey kisses" from my boys
• Easton's sweet smiles when he sees/hears me come into the room and when he first wakes up in the morning
• Naps
• When my 4-year-old holds the door open for his Mommy – I am bound and determined to raise 3 gentlemen who say please, thank you and excuse me and hold the door open for people
• air conditioners
• my comfy bed
• date nights - I vaguely remember what those are and hope to encounter them again soon
• chips and salsa
• black and white pictures
there are soooo many more....I could go on and on but I'll have to save some for next time!!