There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
~Albert Einstein~

Friday, September 25, 2009

Five Question Friday!!!

TGIF....big time! I had a crazy busy week at work and I'm sooooo glad the weekend is here!! I get to sleep in tomorrow and I can't's pretty sad but that will likely be the highlight of my weekend!! we go with Five Question Friday....

My Little Life

1. What celebrity have you been told you look like? Hmmm....I haven't been told I looked like a "celebrity" since high school. I was a trainer for the football and basketball teams in high school and our quarterback - and his dad, the coach - were both convinced that I looked just like Shelley Fabares who played Christine on "Coach" back in the day. That's honestly the only "celebrity" I've ever been told I look like!

2. What is your all time favorite movie, any special reason why? My absolute favorite movie is "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun". I really don't know why but I absolutely love this movie and have since I was in elementary school.

3. Since we're talkin' movies...Popcorn: overrated, underrated, or 'bout right? Definitely overrated! I can NOT stand popcorn! It really amazes me that so many people like it. It has such a weird texture and squeaks when you eat it - gross!

4. Are you a glass half empty or half full kinda person? Unfortunately, I'm a glass half empty kinda girl. However, to put a half full spin on it I always say that I expect the worst BUT hope for the best. Does that help??

5. What perfume/cologne do you wear? I wear Banana Republic W perfume. Most people don't even realize they make a perfume but I love it and it's the only one I wear. I haven't worn anything else in at least 10 years. And BONUS - my husband wears Banana Republic M so we match!! DOUBLE BONUS - the new outlet mall that's 2 minutes from our house has a Banana Republic store and they sell my perfume for 40% off. Life is good!!!

MckLinky Blog Hop


  1. woozah- 40% off perfume! that's awesome!!

    Yes, Frank IS hysterical!

    and you are right, popcorn DOES squeak!!

  2. Wendy - You have such a sweet and amazing story! And you should just give in to a minivan now. Trophy Hub and I pinky swore before we had kids that we would never have a minivan and now I drive it with pride. :-) The sliding doors are a lifesaver and I don't have to worry that they will open the doors and door ding the person next to us! Have a great weekend!

  3. Hey again! Glad to see you joined in the fun!! Hope you really got to sleep in today! Mmmm, isn't that the best? And, wow 40% off!! Lucky girl!
