There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
~Albert Einstein~

Monday, July 26, 2010

Blog Hop

I'm *trying* to participate in Jenna's blog hop but I'm not doing a very good job so far!  I've read several new blogs and still haven't commented??  What's wrong w/ me?  ;) some somewhat good news today - I have an interview on Wednesday for a job at my #2 choice of hospitals so I'm hoping it will go well!  If I get that job, it would mean I would have TWO part-time jobs for a few months (plus being a full-time SAHM) while taking online classes.  So much for my life being easier!!!

We went to the zoo on Friday.  The night before, Easton decided to give "crying it out" one more try (okay - I decided) and was up for around 2 hours in the middle of the night.  This is the result:

Maybe he'll listen to his mother from now on!  ;)


  1. Hey!! I cam over from Jenna's blog hop!! I definitely wanted to leave you a comment. Your little boys are adorable!!! I hope you are able to get the job at the hospital. I know it can be frustrating to be on the job hunt.
    Love the blog, and looking forward to following it...

  2. LOL, I keep going to blogs, reading them and closing them, then having to repoen them to comment! Ha! I've got to break that habit!

  3. I'm over from the blog hop! It's a lot of work, but it's so much fun :)

    Love your blog!
