There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
~Albert Einstein~

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Flyin' Solo

Zachary is supposed to start pre-school in the fall.  This breaks my heart.  He's so shy and timid and sweet - and he's never done anything by himself.  He's never been to daycare and I've been a SAHM for the past year....and even before that he went to a babysitter but the only other kids there were his brothers.  So, he's not used to other kids or being without his parents.  In preparation for this, we decided to enroll him in a class at the Little Gym.  He started off in a parent-child class but last week was his first week to go to a new big boy class all by himself.  I was right outside the window and he could see me the whole time but he did really well.  There were other kids in the class (the session is halfway over now) that were running around and NOT listening a lot more than him.  The teachers thought he did great.  I was soooo proud of him!

He had lots of fun!  And now, Easton is taking his place in the parent-child class.  He loves it but throws a fit when Zachy goes to the Little Gym without him.  This week, I have to work on the night of Zachy's class so Brendan has to take him (and the other two boys).  Easton will not be a very happy camper when he doesn't get to go into the gym!!  That will not be prety!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Fourth of July (was two days ago but I'm trying!)

So, I'm behind as usual but we had a pretty fun Fourth of July.  Every year, my sister's husband's company "hosts" a softball game that Brendan plays in.  It's a bunch of middle-aged guys and now some of the younger generation has joined in to put them to shame.  ;)  The game has very interesting rules...the most interesting is that the game isn't over unless my brother-in-law's team is winning.  I'm fine with this when Brendan is on his team but this year he wasn't so it's not a good rule.  :) 

The boys liked watching the game and playing with their cousins (mainly Alli the dog).  They got to go run around the bases when the game was over.  I forgot my camera so all of these pictures were taken with my phone.  :(  I see other people's pics taken with IPhones all the time and they look so much better than mine do???
After the game, there's always a "cook out"....I use that term lightly b/c it's catered by a local BBQ place.  This year it was exceptionally nice b/c they had it at "The Deck" which is behind a building that my brother-in-law built.  The building has offices/retail places on the first floor and apartments on the second floor so I think he built this area for the "kids" (college students) that live there.  It's super nice and has a little wading pool that the kids had lots of fun in.

I didn't get any good pictures of Brady for some reason.  He was too busy having fun I guess.  Here they area all together in their 4th of July shirts....they actually volunteered for this picture?!?!
And here's the aftermath......three zonked boys.  They passed out!!!

Also - I'm now two days late participating in Jenna's Commenting Challenge so I gots lots of commentin' to do!!!  I found some great blogs last year during the challenge and I'm sure I'll find some more this year!!!  Fun stuff!