There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
~Albert Einstein~

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Weird things about me!

I don't know what made me think about it but there are a lot of weird  unique things about me....mainly things that my "friends" make fun of but when you think about them all at once it's kind of weird.  Here are some examples:
  1. I don't like to eat any food that doesn't have to be chewed (apple sauce, jello, etc.).  Imagine anything you could eat if you DIDN'T have teeth - I won't eat it.
  2. I'm a control freak.  I ALWAYS drive whenever we go anywhere as a family.  I hate the way my husband (and everyone else) drives. 
  3. I don't think that hand-washed dishes are ever really clean.
  4. I hate public bathrooms.  I got a bladder infection in high school b/c I refused to use the bathroom until I got home.  :(
  5. Speaking of bathrooms, I won't take a drink or any type of food item into the bathroom.  I feel it's tainted if it's been in a bathroom.
  6. I won't let my lips touch the utensils at a restaurant....or any utensils other than my own.
  7. I hate going to/watching movies.  I prefer TV....especially reality TV.
  8. I still sleep with my baby blanket and it has to be touching my face at all times.
  9. I can't sleep with pants or socks on.
  10. I'm 35 years old and I still call my parents "Mommy" and "Daddy".
  11. I have really small hands.  My 4.5 year old's hands will be bigger than mine with in a year or two.
  12. I hate massages.  I will not pay a stranger to grope me.  ;)  Freaks me out.
  13. I eat my fries with mayo - not ketchup....and my boys have picked up on this strange habit - they dip EVERYTHING (raisins, bread, etc.) in it. 
  14. I've given myself shots in my stomach, my husband has given them to my in my hip and I've had tons of blood drawn but I absolutely hate getting a shot in my arm.
  15. I love to make lists and fill out questionnaires (hence this post!)
I'm sure there are tons of others but I have to get back to cooking.  Brendan's parents and my parents are coming over for round one of Thanksgiving tonight!  And I'm pretty much making everything myself which is scary - it's only a ham....I'm not crazy! 

 Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

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