1. What celebrity have you been told you look like? Hmmm....I haven't been told I looked like a "celebrity" since high school. I was a trainer for the football and basketball teams in high school and our quarterback - and his dad, the coach - were both convinced that I looked just like Shelley Fabares who played Christine on "Coach" back in the day. That's honestly the only "celebrity" I've ever been told I look like!
2. What is your all time favorite movie, any special reason why? My absolute favorite movie is "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun". I really don't know why but I absolutely love this movie and have since I was in elementary school.
3. Since we're talkin' movies...Popcorn: overrated, underrated, or 'bout right? Definitely overrated! I can NOT stand popcorn! It really amazes me that so many people like it. It has such a weird texture and squeaks when you eat it - gross!
4. Are you a glass half empty or half full kinda person? Unfortunately, I'm a glass half empty kinda girl. However, to put a half full spin on it I always say that I expect the worst BUT hope for the best. Does that help??
5. What perfume/cologne do you wear? I wear Banana Republic W perfume. Most people don't even realize they make a perfume but I love it and it's the only one I wear. I haven't worn anything else in at least 10 years. And BONUS - my husband wears Banana Republic M so we match!! DOUBLE BONUS - the new outlet mall that's 2 minutes from our house has a Banana Republic store and they sell my perfume for 40% off. Life is good!!!