- You're getting so big - we'll find out how much you weigh this week but I'm betting you're pretty close to 20 pounds
- You're officially wearing a size 3 diaper
- You're still able to wear some 9M clothes but that probably won't last too much longer
- You're getting really good at feeding yourself puffs and Biter Biscuits - I think you prefer to feed yourself but you also like to eat several types of fruit, oatmeal, some yogurt and sweet potatoes
- You're still on breastmilk about 95% of the time....sometimes I can't seem to pump enough for you so every once in a while you have to have some formula at the babysitter's
- You're still up at least once most nights...and you're still not a good napper
- You're sitting up pretty well but you would rather be on your tummy so you can do your little army crawl.....you're getting really good at that - you're into everything already
- You love your big brothers and can't seem to understand why they can't pick you up
- Your second tooth is coming in - it doesn't seem to bother you too much, though
- You're babbling a lot - it's very cute
- You're still just about the sweetest thing I've ever laid my eyes on and we love you so much!
Now let's see about those brothers of yours.....
Zachary James - you're almost 22 months old....here's what you've been up to lately...
- You're STILL wearing a size 4 diaper
- You're mainly wearing 24M clothes and a few 2T things
- You're still obsessed with your orange Crocs and you absolutely refuse to wear socks or a hat which will be a problem since it's getting cold
- You're just a talking machine - it's pretty hard to understand you still but you definitely try
- You still love penne pasta, pop tarts, gummy worms and lemonade - for some reason, you'll only drink lemonade.....we need to get some calcium in you somehow
- You like to do whatever Brady is doing and have to have whatever he has
- You fall asleep if you're in the car for more than 15 minutes - you love to sleep....just like your mommy!
- You've learned lots of animals and animal sounds lately but your favorite is still the cow
- You're still not the most graceful person in the world.....just this morning you took a nose/chin dive into the magazine rack and have a lovely looking chin as a result
- You're just the cutest thing ever and we love you bunches!
Big Boy Brady, you're 3 years, 8.5 months....let's see what you've been up to...
- You're still anti-potty training unfortunately
- You're wearing 5T clothes for the most part but I've sadly had to venture into the big boy section and purchase some small/4-6 size clothes
- You wear a size 11 shoe
- You love robots, cars and animals
- Your favorite song is "I Gotta Feeling" by the Blackeyed Peas - we have to listen to it several times a day
- You're still taking naps but that may not last too much longer
- You're doing really well with your new speech, occupational and physical therapists
- You love big boy school
- You had your first field trip of the school year yesterday and did really well according to your teacher!!
- You're very smart.....at least I think you are
- You're a great big brother...most of the time....
- You continue to amaze us daily and we love you to pieces!!