There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
~Albert Einstein~

Saturday, October 31, 2009

7 Months Old!!

Sweet Baby Easton, you're 7 months old today....let's see what you've been up to lately....

  • You're getting so big - we'll find out how much you weigh this week but I'm betting you're pretty close to 20 pounds
  • You're officially wearing a size 3 diaper
  • You're still able to wear some 9M clothes but that probably won't last too much longer
  • You're getting really good at feeding yourself puffs and Biter Biscuits - I think you prefer to feed yourself but you also like to eat several types of fruit, oatmeal, some yogurt and sweet potatoes
  • You're still on breastmilk about 95% of the time....sometimes I can't seem to pump enough for you so every once in a while you have to have some formula at the babysitter's
  • You're still up at least once most nights...and you're still not a good napper
  • You're sitting up pretty well but you would rather be on your tummy so you can do your little army're getting really good at that - you're into everything already
  • You love your big brothers and can't seem to understand why they can't pick you up
  • Your second tooth is coming in - it doesn't seem to bother you too much, though
  • You're babbling a lot - it's very cute
  • You're still just about the sweetest thing I've ever laid my eyes on and we love you so much!

Now let's see about those brothers of yours.....

Zachary James - you're almost 22 months's what you've been up to lately...

  • You're STILL wearing a size 4 diaper
  • You're mainly wearing 24M clothes and a few 2T things
  • You're still obsessed with your orange Crocs and you absolutely refuse to wear socks or a hat which will be a problem since it's getting cold
  • You're just a talking machine - it's pretty hard to understand you still but you definitely try
  • You still love penne pasta, pop tarts, gummy worms and lemonade - for some reason, you'll only drink lemonade.....we need to get some calcium in you somehow
  • You like to do whatever Brady is doing and have to have whatever he has
  • You fall asleep if you're in the car for more than 15 minutes - you love to sleep....just like your mommy!
  • You've learned lots of animals and animal sounds lately but your favorite is still the cow
  • You're still not the most graceful person in the world.....just this morning you took a nose/chin dive into the magazine rack and have a lovely looking chin as a result
  • You're just the cutest thing ever and we love you bunches!

Big Boy Brady, you're 3 years, 8.5 months....let's see what you've been up to...

  • You're still anti-potty training unfortunately
  • You're wearing 5T clothes for the most part but I've sadly had to venture into the big boy section and purchase some small/4-6 size clothes
  • You wear a size 11 shoe
  • You love robots, cars and animals
  • Your favorite song is "I Gotta Feeling" by the Blackeyed Peas - we have to listen to it several times a day
  • You're still taking naps but that may not last too much longer
  • You're doing really well with your new speech, occupational and physical therapists
  • You love big boy school
  • You had your first field trip of the school year yesterday and did really well according to your teacher!!
  • You're very least I think you are
  • You're a great big brother...most of the time....
  • You continue to amaze us daily and we love you to pieces!!

Friday, October 9, 2009


It's been a really crazy week. I have a friend who is quite possibly going through the roughest day of her life (at least so far - and hopefully ever) which has had a surprising effect on my day. I guess we're closer than I realized. Anyway, she's in my thoughts and prayers and I keep thinking.....God doesn't close a door without opening a's hard for her to believe that right now I'm sure but hopefully everything will get better soon.

Anyway....onto the fun stuff....Five Question Friday! Here we go.......

My Little Life

1. What is the one thing that you reach for the most in a day (excluding phones and computers)?Wow....I would definitely say my mouse if I were "allowed" but since I'm not....I think it's my necklace that I wear every day. I play with it constantly and have noticed that if I forget to put it on, I reach for it several times throughout the day. I love it - my sister got it for has all my boys' names on it...looks like this...

2. What is the farthest you have been from home?
I should probably win a prize for this one - RUSSIA! Twice! To adopt our Brady boy - best trip(s) ever!!
3. What kind of cell phone do you have? Love it or hate it?
I recently got an LG enV Touch - LOVE it!!!
4. Coke or Pepsi?
I'm 100% a "Coke(a-Cola) Addict"! I recently gave it up to try and lose new favorite is Cherry Coke Zero.....however, I can't resist a fountain Coke and have one several times a week!
5. If you could go back and change anything about your wedding day, what would it be and why?
Wow - this is a toss-up. There are really two things - I'd choose a different photographer and a different organist for several reasons. I was just trying to save (my parents') money and those two things were very important to me....I should have prioritized better!! The photographer took really lame pictures and the organist refused to come to the rehearsal and just did a bad job. :(

MckLinky Blog Hop

Monday, October 5, 2009

Six Month and Weekend Update

We took the big boys for hair cuts Thursday night...I was hoping to get good pictures of the contrast between how Brady and Zachary deal with haircuts but for the first time EVER, Brady did really well! Brendan always has to sit with him and basically restrain him in order for him to get a halfway decent haircut....they're usually both extremely sweaty and covered with little hairs by the time it's over but this time he did really, really well - I don't think Brendan even broke a sweat! And Brady got his first GOOD haircut! Yea!!! So proud of the Big Boy!!

We took Easton in for his 6-month well baby appointment on Friday.....I underestimated his weight....that boy weighs 19 pounds, 2.8 ounces (75th %) and is 30 inches long (97th %)!!!! I knew it wasn't "normal" for a 6-month-old to be too big for 9M clothes! As an added bonus, he actually slept through the night on Friday - I think we have the shots to thank for that....that never worked for Zachary but I'll take it if it works for Easton! I went to bed early Friday night because Easton didn't let me sleep much Thursday night so I felt great Saturday morning!! Zachary was with us - and VERY sad about it once he realized where he was (which made me feel AWFUL) - so Brendan put him on the scale while we waited.....he weighs about 27.5 pounds fully dressed. Little peanut!

On Saturday, we planned on going to the Miami football game but our timing was off so we actually just ended up hanging out at Aunt Amy's house for the afternoon which was way more enjoyable for me!! After nap time, we had a little get together with some friends for dinner at Amy's - it was lots of fun and I got some much needed "me time" thanks to Brendan! Oh well...the boys were dressed accordingly anyway! Zachary wasn't feeling it in this picture but we tried!!

Yesterday, we had Easton's 6M pictures taken...unfortunately, it was much colder than I anticipated so we were really rushed - hopefully we got some good pictures, though. I brought Easton back inside after about 30 minutes so we'll have to see what we can come up with!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Five Question Friday!!!

It's FINALLY Friday! Here are this week's quetions....

My Little Life

October 2nd Questions:
1. What is your favorite ABBA song?
Definitely 'Dancing Queen'! Although there are lots of good ones.....this one is my top choice!
2. The thing you love most about fall is...
Well, pre-kids I guess I would say football games. But, since we don't have much access to babysitters and we're outnumbered, that one really isn't in the cards anymore. Ironically, though - we're actually going to a game tomorrow.....all 5 of us. Should be interesting. So, I guess now my favorite thing is the weather - I love fall and spring. If it would stay between right around 65-70 degrees and be sunny every day I'd be a happy camper. I love to be able to have the windows in the house and the sunroof in the car open whenever possible!
3. What store you would love to spend to heart's desire (money is no object)?
Hmmmm.....for myself - Ann Taylor Loft. For my kids - it's a toss up between Carter's and Baby Gap. I guess it would be smarter to choose a department store since there are way more options I guess?? In that case, Dillard's is my favorite!
4. What is your favorite snack food?
Definitely appetizer-type things: chips and salsa, chips and dips, cheese and crackers, etc. Not much of a fan of sweets as a snack.
5. What was your first car?
I had a white Pontiac Sunbird - can't remember the year but technically that wasn't "my car" - it was my parents' and they "let" me drive it. Everywhere. Every day. The first car that I bought/leased all on my own was a 2002 Chevy Blazer.