There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
~Albert Einstein~

Monday, October 5, 2009

Six Month and Weekend Update

We took the big boys for hair cuts Thursday night...I was hoping to get good pictures of the contrast between how Brady and Zachary deal with haircuts but for the first time EVER, Brady did really well! Brendan always has to sit with him and basically restrain him in order for him to get a halfway decent haircut....they're usually both extremely sweaty and covered with little hairs by the time it's over but this time he did really, really well - I don't think Brendan even broke a sweat! And Brady got his first GOOD haircut! Yea!!! So proud of the Big Boy!!

We took Easton in for his 6-month well baby appointment on Friday.....I underestimated his weight....that boy weighs 19 pounds, 2.8 ounces (75th %) and is 30 inches long (97th %)!!!! I knew it wasn't "normal" for a 6-month-old to be too big for 9M clothes! As an added bonus, he actually slept through the night on Friday - I think we have the shots to thank for that....that never worked for Zachary but I'll take it if it works for Easton! I went to bed early Friday night because Easton didn't let me sleep much Thursday night so I felt great Saturday morning!! Zachary was with us - and VERY sad about it once he realized where he was (which made me feel AWFUL) - so Brendan put him on the scale while we waited.....he weighs about 27.5 pounds fully dressed. Little peanut!

On Saturday, we planned on going to the Miami football game but our timing was off so we actually just ended up hanging out at Aunt Amy's house for the afternoon which was way more enjoyable for me!! After nap time, we had a little get together with some friends for dinner at Amy's - it was lots of fun and I got some much needed "me time" thanks to Brendan! Oh well...the boys were dressed accordingly anyway! Zachary wasn't feeling it in this picture but we tried!!

Yesterday, we had Easton's 6M pictures taken...unfortunately, it was much colder than I anticipated so we were really rushed - hopefully we got some good pictures, though. I brought Easton back inside after about 30 minutes so we'll have to see what we can come up with!

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