October 2nd Questions:
1. What is your favorite ABBA song?
Definitely 'Dancing Queen'! Although there are lots of good ones.....this one is my top choice!
2. The thing you love most about fall is...
Well, pre-kids I guess I would say football games. But, since we don't have much access to babysitters and we're outnumbered, that one really isn't in the cards anymore. Ironically, though - we're actually going to a game tomorrow.....all 5 of us. Should be interesting. So, I guess now my favorite thing is the weather - I love fall and spring. If it would stay between right around 65-70 degrees and be sunny every day I'd be a happy camper. I love to be able to have the windows in the house and the sunroof in the car open whenever possible!
3. What store you would love to spend to heart's desire (money is no object)?
Hmmmm.....for myself - Ann Taylor Loft. For my kids - it's a toss up between Carter's and Baby Gap. I guess it would be smarter to choose a department store since there are way more options I guess?? In that case, Dillard's is my favorite!
4. What is your favorite snack food?
Definitely appetizer-type things: chips and salsa, chips and dips, cheese and crackers, etc. Not much of a fan of sweets as a snack.
5. What was your first car?
I had a white Pontiac Sunbird - can't remember the year but technically that wasn't "my car" - it was my parents' and they "let" me drive it. Everywhere. Every day. The first car that I bought/leased all on my own was a 2002 Chevy Blazer.
You and me both girl...temps like that, and MAN! It'd be glorious!!! Dotcha love BabyGap? Glad to have you again!