Anyway....onto the fun stuff....Five Question Friday! Here we go.......

1. What is the one thing that you reach for the most in a day (excluding phones and computers)?Wow....I would definitely say my mouse if I were "allowed" but since I'm not....I think it's my necklace that I wear every day. I play with it constantly and have noticed that if I forget to put it on, I reach for it several times throughout the day. I love it - my sister got it for has all my boys' names on it...looks like this...

2. What is the farthest you have been from home?
I should probably win a prize for this one - RUSSIA! Twice! To adopt our Brady boy - best trip(s) ever!!
3. What kind of cell phone do you have? Love it or hate it?
I recently got an LG enV Touch - LOVE it!!!
4. Coke or Pepsi?
I'm 100% a "Coke(a-Cola) Addict"! I recently gave it up to try and lose new favorite is Cherry Coke Zero.....however, I can't resist a fountain Coke and have one several times a week!
5. If you could go back and change anything about your wedding day, what would it be and why?
Wow - this is a toss-up. There are really two things - I'd choose a different photographer and a different organist for several reasons. I was just trying to save (my parents') money and those two things were very important to me....I should have prioritized better!! The photographer took really lame pictures and the organist refused to come to the rehearsal and just did a bad job. :(
Hey, I'm just now realizing you have a blog. I'll have to add you as a link and read yours to catch up. Mine's not showing any updates now - I guess because I set it to private. Anyway... your boys are cute and I can't wait to read some more.