There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
~Albert Einstein~

Monday, August 17, 2009

Evidently, Brady REALLY wanted a banana this morning. He asked for one at breakfast but I explained to him that they "weren't ready yet" and that they were "still green." A couple of hours later, he came into the family room with something brown all over his face. I asked him what he had been eating.....and he said, "bananas." Knowing that he didn't know how to peel a banana, I dreaded what I might find.....

You can see the bite marks in the peeling. It was very hard not to laugh at this. The problem with having an extra large 3 1/2 year old is that he can reach just about every single thing that we keep on the counters.

Yesterday, I heard him doing something in the kitchen but hoped that he was just playing - I was in the family room feeding can see half of the kitchen from the family room but all of the crimes that usually take place occur in the half that we can't see of course (our house has a fairly open design on the main floor so we can't really stop them from going into the kitchen.) Anyway, a few minutes later I went into the kitchen to find Zachary sitting in the middle of what I would compare to a sand box made of rice cereal. I made the huge mistake of throwing away a box of Easton's cereal that must have had more in it than I realized - Brady obviously took it out of the trash can. Not only that, but I left the newly opened box of cereal on the counter - I thought I pushed it back far enough so that Brady couldn't reach it but I was clearly wrong! They must have had a little field day - there was cereal EVERYWHERE. Uggh! I didn't take a picture of that because I didn't find it quite as funny.

The one thing that was funny was their reaction to the rarely seen vacuum cleaner that I pulled out to clean up the mess (I'm very lucky to have a cleaning lady so they don't see many cleaning utensils.) I knew that it might upset Brady but I didn't really care because I was pretty irritated at this point. So, I told them both to go into the family room - Brady listened, Zachary didn't. So, on went the vacuum cleaner - Brady stood on the couch and cried a few of those big huge tears that break my heart. Zachary stood completely still in the kitchen and wouldn't move. Pretty funny! He just didn't know what to think!! Hopefully, they learned their lesson - I won't hold my breath, though.

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