So, I feel really stupid. I work from home on the weekends/Mondays and was convinced that my laptop had died on Sunday. No matter what I did, I couldn't get it to turn back on. I made sure it was plugged into the wall, into the laptop and that that outlet was working. Nothing I tried worked. I called the help desk....nothing they tried worked either. So, I piled all 3 kids in the car and drove the stupid thing up to the office (half an hour each way) so that the IT gurus could work on it and have it fixed in time for me to use it this morning. We have an intern helping us this summer so I had her come out to my car and get it so that I didn't have to try and take all 3 boys inside. Brady cried when the intern took "Mommy's computer" away. I was shocked at how upset he was. Anyway, I got home and checked my email on webmail and had an email from the intern saying that the IT guy called and said that he plugged the laptop in and it worked just fine. Huh? It was completely dead for me?!? So, the only thing I could think of was that I had a bad power cord.
Meanwhile, he deleted a bunch of stuff and made all kinds of changes so when I got there this morning, I went to pick it up and he realized that his changes screwed a couple of things up. This led to two more hours without my computer which I totally depend on. So, it worked fine the rest of the day and I brought it home tonight to catch up on some of the work I had missed due to my incompetent computer. I plugged it in here and, of course, it wasn't working for me. So, I went to unplug the cord so that I could take it in tomorrow to have it "tested" and realized that the power cord is actually two cords that have to be plugged into each other for some reason. I'm going to blame one of the boys for unplugging these which led me to believe that it wasn't working at all (Brendan's expecting me to blame him). I had checked to make sure that the power cord was plugged into the wall and into the laptop but I had failed to make sure that the two cords were plugged into EACH OTHER! Why are there two cords in the first place? I feel like a complete idiot. I just hope the IT guy doesn't call tomorrow to see if I brought the cord in for him to test. Let's just pretend none of this happened, shall we?

On a lighter note, my mom got this Willow Tree figurine for Brendan when Easton was born because she was worried that no one got him anything??? Hello?? I'm pretty sure no one got ME anything and I'm the one that had my body sliced open to give birth to an almost 9-pound baby. Anyway, so she got this for Brendan. Very sweet. It's sitting on the hutch in the dining room and I heard Brady in there talking to it yesterday. Telling it hi, etc. And then I heard him telling Zachary, "look, Daddy's sitting on the potty with Easton." Ha!
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